Harsh light, cloudy day - just wait

December 29, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

It is a cloudy day but not overcast. The sun is bright and harsh. These are not ideal conditions for flower or butterfly images (see the blog a few weeks back about making the best of such lighting conditions). Do we give up and stop photographing?

I think not! This image was taken on exactly such a day. Based on the blog that I referred to above, get some images while the sunlight is harsh (shooting for back lit images and rim-lit images). Those are not the only kind of images we can get on such days. All that is needed to get an image such as this one is patience. Yes, just wait. Those clouds are moving. It is just a matter of time before one of those clouds gets between you and the sun. Once that happens you have diffused light for a few minutes. Shoot now!

          The clouds will keep moving, so before long you will no longer have diffused light but harsh light again. Great, use this time to watch the insects, to position yourself, to look at possible backgrounds, and to find your next subject. Then just wait. Soon another cloud will have mercy on you and provide better light. For as long as there are clouds and a bit of wind up there you should get more diffused light opportunities to shoot in. Just wait.


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