Back lit butterfly

November 24, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

The best light for insect photography, such as butterflies, is overcast but bright light. The next best light is using a flash while the insects are in the shade. Often times we create that shade by using a large diffuser for our flash. This creates both the shadow over the insect and the soft light from the flash. But what are we to do when we see many butterflies in harsh light and we don't have our diffuser and flash with us? In times such as these it may be best not to see the obstacles as obstacles but to ask ourselves how we can use the problem as a strength.

          When the light is harsh, we do have a problem. But that very problem also provides a strength or two if used intentionally and creatively. Why can't we turn the harsh light into a feature of the photograph? Can we position ourselves and the subject in such a way to create the beautiful rim-light effect? Or what about taking a back lit image to take advantage of the strong light?

The back lighting, although harsh, helps to separate the subject from the background - it stands out better. It helps us to see things that we typically cannot see under soft diffused light, such as the veins, the structure, and how the wings are made. So harsh light aught not always to be treated harshly. We can use it's strength to create a different kind of image.

          Sure, harsh light does not usually make for good insect and flower images. So it does not make sense to shoot with that harsh light coming from behind us. We have to move around and figure out how to best use the light we have. In the example, I quite like how the butterfly turned out. It is not your typical butterfly image, yet it is interesting.

          The next time the light is harsh and you are presented with a shooting opportunity, it might be better to find ways to take advantage of what that kind of light offers than to forgo shooting at all.


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